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Take Action

Our state must make budget and policy decisions that help communities thrive and put the needs of Louisianans first. By prioritizing our communities, workers, children and families, Louisiana can create a stronger and more inclusive economy that betters the lives of all its people.

Investing in the people of Louisiana will make our state stronger, fairer and more competitive. But no investment is possible without funding. If we want to build a stronger Louisiana for generations to come, we must create an equitable, sustainable tax system that provides the revenue we need to invest in our workers, our children, our families and our communities.

See how you can join us

Show Up

Invest in Louisiana and our partners host a number of events every year to engage the community on the issues that matter and help create a more just and inclusive Louisiana economy for all. We hope you’ll join us!

Support Our Efforts

Help us in creating a state economy that works for all Louisianans. Together, we can advocate for a budget that prioritizes our communities, workers, children and families and puts the needs of Louisianans first.

Speak To Our Experts

Invest in Louisiana’s team of policy experts offers deep expertise and knowledge of Louisiana’s public policy and advocacy landscape. If you have a question for our experts or are interested in having one speak at your next event, contact us.

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They include details about safety-net programs like Medicaid, tax credits for low-income workers and educational scholarships and help promote a better understanding of how safety-net programs affect different communities across our state.
Our new District and Parish Fact Sheets are out!